Read more about the EVALUATION listerv

What is the EVALUATION listserv?

This electronic mailing list is a forum for the pan-Canadian community of academic credential assessors to share information about academic credentials and professional qualifications issued outside Canada. Assessors can:
  • share information;
  • ask for and receive answers to queries; and
  • build their professional network.

The EVALUATION listserv is meant to facilitate the kind of collaboration and sharing of expertise among academic credential assessors in assessment services, educational institutions, regulatory authorities, and other organizations that will really help you in your assessment and recognition work.

What types of information do members share?

Members can inquire about any topic associated with the assessment and recognition of academic credentials and professional qualifications issued outside Canada. Such topics may include:
  • a review of internal practices in order to:
  • identify an appropriate point of contact;
  • learn about education system reforms affecting:
    • the legal framework;
    • designated competent authorities;
    • the structure of the elementary, secondary, and postsecondary levels;
    • the issuing of diplomas, transcripts, or other academic documents.
  • learn about occupational regulatory reforms affecting:
    • the legal framework;
    • regulated occupations in the labour market;
    • designated competent authorities;
    • the accreditation of professional programs leading to licensure;
    • mutual recognition agreements with other jurisdictions;
    • the issuing of professional qualifications.
  • identify the status of an educational institution and its academic program(s);
  • discuss difficult cases for which information is limited or non-existent;
  • learn about trends in the mobility of students and skilled professionals.

Register to access CICIC's tool box

Please complete the following registration process to access CICIC's tool box, which includes the EVLAUATION listserv.

We will review your registration request to confirm that it meets the established eligibility criteria.

Consult CICIC's tool box guidelines

Before using CICIC's tool box, and its EVALUATION listserv, please review the user guidelines.

Following these guidelines will facilitate and improve the quality of exchanges among experts.